
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eat This Law: Home Owners Associations vs. Homestead Efforts

Home Owner's Associations can set rules to prevent the house-next-door from growing a sofa on the porch and help protect your investment,,, but what happens when the regulations work against your backyard homestead visions?

We have a friend who owns a small, family pizza place here in our little country town. They don't deliver, but we like their hand made crusts and the fact that they use local, seasonal vegetables in their dishes as often as possible. When we have extra peppers, tomatoes, basil or other garden goodies, it isn't unusual to work a trade: produce for pies. Good deal!

The last time we ran in for a pick up, our owner-friend asked how long it would be until our garden was underway this year. We reported all that had been planted so far, and asked if she had tried her hand at a little backyard homesteading yet. She HAD, in fact, tried to grow a few pepper plants last summer, but unfortunately she was fined for it! It seems that her Home Owner Association FORBIDS the growing of vegetables in their neighborhood, even in the back yard!

I do understand the value of HOA rules about upkeep, vehicles parked in driveways, junk in yards, excessive signage, and other issues that can effect the overall health and value of the neighborhood in general. After all, who would want the scene above moving in on their block? Yes, we can all agree that a fleet of non-moving vehicles beached on concrete blocks should be forbidden, and that grandma shouldn't hang her skivvies out to dry on the front porch, but to forbid a pepper plant? In the BACK YARD? It is this Homesteader's opinion that that is outrageous (and not very Earth Friendly, either!!)

So let's talk about HOMESTEAD STYLE, Homestead Savvy, and Homestead Sophisticated!

Consider the photo to the left: rubber boots by the door, ready to go pick flowers or veggies, a basket for gathering alongside. Wonderful biodiversity, a hand crafted rustic chair, and, with door propped invitingly open, an "indoor/outdoor" lifestyle is evident.

The Front Door isn't the only part of a Homestead property that can display style of course: even the backyard vegetable garden can be sophisticated! The example in the photo (right) is admittedly extreme garden porn, but not at all unobtainable for a small urban lot...IMAGINE:)

With Spring 2011 upon us, I hope to post many more photos of vegetable gardens, herb beds, fruit trees, and yes, even chicken coops, that illustrate the possibilities of stylish backyard homesteads,,,designed with even the most discerning HOA in mind! Ranging from simple to elaborate, urban and suburban gardens can be wonderful, green neighborhood additions. If you happen to live in a community with strict rules about vegetable production, consider printing a few pictures for the next Home Owner's meeting, and perhaps inspire some neighbors to get growing! More ideas? Link HERE..
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