By popular demand, here they are! A quicky tour of the floors in the bath and laundry spaces at the Homestead... In true Bohemian spirit, mosaic floors are kind on the earth (all natural AND recycled goods), artsy yet elegant, VERY inexpensive and will last for generations. Above: Hall bath, leaf design made of beige and slate colored tiles with glass marble accentsAbove: A Lizard guards the Laundry, same beige and slate tiles with glass accents
Above: Muffin scales the edge of the tub in the master bath...this time beige tile is paired with black granite (secured from a broken shipment at a tile store for free!) and glass marbles...
Above, a close up of a spiral in the master room...
We are about to do a mosaic insert for our entry, and because so many have requested instructions, I will put together a video. The process truly is quite simple. Rock On Bohemiana!!!